Minnesta Super Bowl Brand Book

The intention of this book is to get us to lift our chins, puff our chests and declare proudly “We are Minnesotan.” Because the eyes of the world will soon be upon us and more than 150,000 travellers, tastemakers, investors and media will cross our borders expecting more than a football game. So let’s give them a show. Let’s leave them in awe. Solidify our state as a destination of choice for thinkers, doers and dreamers. Let’s show them the real Minnesota. And how proud we are of it. 

We are Minnesota.

Carved from the north.

Forged from ice, wood and steel.

We are pioneers. Of ideas. Of change.

Of commerce, enterprise and taste.

Rich is our history. Determined, our resolve.

Here, public and private walk hand in hand.

Freedoms are fought for, rights defended.

And the arts, given plenty of room to thrive.

With open hearts and toughened hands, we embrace all.

For in adversity, we see inspiration.

Complacency, a nemesis.

And this rugged state, an inspirational home.

We are Minnesota. Built bold.

And we’re ready to show the world.



This book was created by Minnesotans built bold and happy to promote the state they know and love. 

Writer: Kris Growcott